The Hematophages Stephen Kozeniewski Books

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The Hematophages Stephen Kozeniewski Books
When I see a new book from Stephen Kozeniewski, I buy it. There are not many authors that I do that for. Mainly because my "to read list" is just way too long and I would constantly be reading authors that I already know instead of being introduced to amazing authors that are new. Stephen's work, however, is always top notch, chew your nails off intense, bloody, horrific, and so fun to read!With a name like The Hematophages, I knew this was going to get good. It starts innocently enough, introducing the reader to the main character Paige while she's in an interview. I love this because it allows us to see exactly how she thinks. With what she's going to face the reader has to believe that she's smart enough to get out of the frying pan without putting herself into the fire. In this interview she is basically told that she cannot know what the job is without being a part of corporate espionage. Paige is smart enough to understand the concept that this job is so extraordinary that a normal layperson cannot know about it. It's sort of like "if I tell you, I have to kill you". Paige gets the picture and decides it's worth the effort to find out.
"How you feeling, virgin?" I'm breathing into a paper bag, so I suspect the question is rhetorical.
I was worried that this being placed in space would throw me off but it was like reading The Event Horizon, scary as all get out. Plus, even scarier was the fact that, much like Event Horizon, although a completely different plot, they were going to salvage a ship that was lost in space 200 years ago. They had no idea what they were getting into or if a competing ship was going to try to blast them out of the sky once they were there. I was just telling my husband that I was sad that horror films and books today allow the reader to see what is happening. This is not the case here. Nobody has an idea of what is going on so of course the reading wouldn't either.
So much happens at the beginning of the book. What bit of hesitation I had about this being in space was squelched almost immediately. It doesn't take long to see that Paige is intelligent and can fight back but she is not just a fighter she is also vindictive, assertive, and ambitious but people are looking to her for answers. She's supposed to be the expert on a ship that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years and she only found out about it the day before! Talk about pressure.
The other characters are just as interesting although I don't remember reading why there were only females. Zanib was really interesting and I love her zeal for other lifeforms. She's as excited for blood suckers as I get over butterflies. This gal is awesome!
But Stephen doesn't just stop at crafting unique characters, his ideas would be great for this world. I could imagine some of this in our actual future, which makes the story even better. Maybe not the horror though. He has some horrific ideas as well, and that could stay in his head. Or in some strange Clive Barker universe.
This is action packed from start to finish. I felt like there was a reason for every word. From the interview to the drama and excitement surrounding the crew. It also seems like he put a lot of foreshadowing into the story. There also isn't gore added in just to have gore. People die. This is a horror. But there are reasons for every drop of blood, especially considering we're talking about blood drinkers.
She leaves chunks of her body and a long slug's trail of blood behind her.
For hard core horror lovers this will be a walk in the park but with some elements of surprise that'll leave you wanting more. There weren't any parts that freaked me out, and I didn't have nightmares, although I purposefully stayed up just to finish this. The story is fantastic with horror elements thrown in.
I feel like Stephen Kozeniewski must have had a lot of fun writing this. I certainly had fun reading it.
In short: Exciting, horrific, fantastic! A must read for fans of horror.
Product details

Tags : The Hematophages (9781944044558): Stephen Kozeniewski: Books,Stephen Kozeniewski,The Hematophages,Sinister Grin Press,1944044558,FICTION Science Fiction Alien Contact
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The Hematophages Stephen Kozeniewski Books Reviews
In 200 years, nations have ceased to exist, races have all bred into one another so that we've all become one race, and men have ceased to exist. The crazy thing is, none of that actually matters. It's all Forever War-esque background for a story about a parasite-ridden ghost ship. It's a fairly typical Alien or Event Horizon-esque plot which is made all the crazier by the fact the crew doesn't need the monsters to wipe each other out. They're some of the most selfish, self-absorbed, toadying, skewed priorities people in horror fiction. You'd think they were counsellors at Camp Crystal Lake (and two even stop to have sex during a monster infestation). This is all deliberate, of course, and part of the book's charm.
The protagonist, Paige, is the source of the book's humor as she's a snarky, somewhat off-kilter graduate student born and raised on a station (or "station bunny"). The opportunity to find the lost starship Manifest Destiny is an irresistible chance for her to escape a life of mundanity. Of course, with a title like Hemophages, you know you're going to encounter something horrifying on said starship. Even so, the anticipation takes awhile to get to the monsters and the story is all the better for it. The crew of the RV Borgwardt, by contrast, are a cynical bunch of women who are just barely able to keep from shooting each other on a good day. Manners has not transferred to the new century and everyone only cares about their bonus. It's the perfect sort of environment to add brain-eating mind-control worms and, really, they only tip things over into full-blown mutiny. Poor Paige is probably the only one with any sensible views on the situation and even she is routinely tempted by greed.
This book is a lot funnier than it has any right to be while still remaining squarely in the horror genre. If you're willing to enjoy some not-entirely serious science fiction then this is the book for you. The ending is a lot bleaker than I expected given the subject matter but it still has a humorous coda.
Those unfamiliar with this author's work, Stephen Kozeniewski marches to the beat of his own drummer, and that's a very good thing. Take THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, his zombie apocalypse novel...who decides to set zombies in the south Pacific? With his trademark snark, wit, and plenty of gore, this relatively new horror author is an original.
In his latest novel, set in the distant future where men are inexplicably not part of the equation, a matriarchal , corporate-driven space world is exploring the far reaches. Our protagonist, Paige, a station bunny, is about to embark on her first voyage "into the ink." But those aboard the Borgwaldt are seemingly unaware of what they will ultimately encounter as they explore what they believe is a entire planet that's a living organism. However, upon reaching the planet, Paige and crew discover the fabled, crashed ship The Manifest Destiny, long thought to have vanished with no survivors. But there have been survivors, decades ago, and their offspring. And their hostility is the last thing the crew of the Borgwaldt should be worried about...
Fans of Alien, and the like, will enjoy this cleverly written novel, but it does take a bit for the action to kick in. But when it does, watch out! And the world building Kozeniewski does within the scope of the book is impressive.
When I see a new book from Stephen Kozeniewski, I buy it. There are not many authors that I do that for. Mainly because my "to read list" is just way too long and I would constantly be reading authors that I already know instead of being introduced to amazing authors that are new. Stephen's work, however, is always top notch, chew your nails off intense, bloody, horrific, and so fun to read!
With a name like The Hematophages, I knew this was going to get good. It starts innocently enough, introducing the reader to the main character Paige while she's in an interview. I love this because it allows us to see exactly how she thinks. With what she's going to face the reader has to believe that she's smart enough to get out of the frying pan without putting herself into the fire. In this interview she is basically told that she cannot know what the job is without being a part of corporate espionage. Paige is smart enough to understand the concept that this job is so extraordinary that a normal layperson cannot know about it. It's sort of like "if I tell you, I have to kill you". Paige gets the picture and decides it's worth the effort to find out.
"How you feeling, virgin?" I'm breathing into a paper bag, so I suspect the question is rhetorical.
I was worried that this being placed in space would throw me off but it was like reading The Event Horizon, scary as all get out. Plus, even scarier was the fact that, much like Event Horizon, although a completely different plot, they were going to salvage a ship that was lost in space 200 years ago. They had no idea what they were getting into or if a competing ship was going to try to blast them out of the sky once they were there. I was just telling my husband that I was sad that horror films and books today allow the reader to see what is happening. This is not the case here. Nobody has an idea of what is going on so of course the reading wouldn't either.
So much happens at the beginning of the book. What bit of hesitation I had about this being in space was squelched almost immediately. It doesn't take long to see that Paige is intelligent and can fight back but she is not just a fighter she is also vindictive, assertive, and ambitious but people are looking to her for answers. She's supposed to be the expert on a ship that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years and she only found out about it the day before! Talk about pressure.
The other characters are just as interesting although I don't remember reading why there were only females. Zanib was really interesting and I love her zeal for other lifeforms. She's as excited for blood suckers as I get over butterflies. This gal is awesome!
But Stephen doesn't just stop at crafting unique characters, his ideas would be great for this world. I could imagine some of this in our actual future, which makes the story even better. Maybe not the horror though. He has some horrific ideas as well, and that could stay in his head. Or in some strange Clive Barker universe.
This is action packed from start to finish. I felt like there was a reason for every word. From the interview to the drama and excitement surrounding the crew. It also seems like he put a lot of foreshadowing into the story. There also isn't gore added in just to have gore. People die. This is a horror. But there are reasons for every drop of blood, especially considering we're talking about blood drinkers.
She leaves chunks of her body and a long slug's trail of blood behind her.
For hard core horror lovers this will be a walk in the park but with some elements of surprise that'll leave you wanting more. There weren't any parts that freaked me out, and I didn't have nightmares, although I purposefully stayed up just to finish this. The story is fantastic with horror elements thrown in.
I feel like Stephen Kozeniewski must have had a lot of fun writing this. I certainly had fun reading it.
In short Exciting, horrific, fantastic! A must read for fans of horror.

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