Farewell to an Angel It All Began in Old New Orleans eBook John Hanson

John Hanson’s memoirs are a thing of profound beauty, deeply authentic in an era hungry for authenticity, and putting its readers back in touch with our deepest roots and hunger for connection. This memoir provides the Angela’s Ashes for the great and colorful New Orleans. This book is full of wonderful, unforgettable, vignettes furnishing a profound contribution to American letters. It is a joy to read and, also, contains a love story for the ages. Reading it touched, moved, and inspired me. Buy it and read it, to gladden and enrich your heart forever.
—Ralph Benko, internationally syndicated columnist
Farewell to an Angel gives the reader a personal view of the lives of a man and woman who were born, raised, worked, and found each other in the Crescent City. The man, John Hanson, was from the Carrollton neighborhood. The woman, Patty Callegan, was from the French Quarter. Their parents had only grammar school educations. They were poor, but not destitute. They always managed to shelter, clothe, and feed their families by dint of hard work. After starting on their memoirs, John had more time to work on his as Patty was simultaneously fighting cancer. Much of his memoirs are Patty’s, however, since they were inseparable from their meeting in 1966 until Patty’s death in 2014. A registered nurse and ever a patient advocate, Patty wrote only briefly of her life before nursing and marriage and only as an introduction to an exhaustive guide for cancer patients. These memoirs give the reader a unique view of 20th century America. The experiences of John and Patty are like no other. They give the ordinary person’s perspective on three generations of cultural and scientific changes. Given their start in life, who could have predicted that George Halas would be John’s chauffeur or Patty would serve as a private nurse to the Duke of Windsor and the King of Greece? Their paths crossed those of many “hall-of-fame” level individuals from the worlds of education, medicine, religion, business, sports, and politics. Yet, they were never enamored of the rich and famous and certainly never joined their ranks. The focus of their love was on one another and their students and patients. Their story will at times evoke both tears and laughter. Overall, it will edify.
Farewell to an Angel It All Began in Old New Orleans eBook John Hanson
Although I didn't grow up in New Orleans, this book reminded me of my youth when life seemed simpler somehow. Then John takes us through his years as a Brother and teacher and as a lay teacher. He described what seemed like some common sense methods to get kids to take an interest in learning like replacing their weekend fun with tutoring sessions when they start failing his classes. An, of course, his life with the love of his life, his angel and his son. The book is well-written and feels like he's sitting there with me and telling me about his life.John attends the same Catholic Church with my husband and I. Although I didn't know John very well before reading this book, I feel like I know him so much more now. Thanks for sharing your story with us John.
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Tags : Farewell to an Angel: It All Began in Old New Orleans - Kindle edition by John Hanson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Farewell to an Angel: It All Began in Old New Orleans.,ebook,John Hanson,Farewell to an Angel:: It All Began in Old New Orleans,Healthy Learning,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Personal Memoirs
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Farewell to an Angel It All Began in Old New Orleans eBook John Hanson Reviews
Excellent reading that shares with the reader John's New Orleans memories during his childhood. His book also touches on his career, his education, his religious life, and his return to lay life to include his life with Patty. This book is well written. Once you start reading, you feel like you are tagging along with John.
This book brought back many memories of my school years at AIC. Brother Patrick, aka, John Hanson was my freshman and sophomore teacher there. I had NEVER earned an A or a B in all of my school years. I made A's & B's in every subject in whick he taught me. This book is now one of my favorites. It is going on a special book shelf in my study where only a few books are placed. The stories in the book held my interest and it was very difficult to put the book down. Maybe we can convenience him to write another book?????
I greatly enjoyed this book. It was delightful, warm and educational as well. It brought back so many memories of my own childhood and how things "used to be"--a time when we made mistakes, paid the consequences and learned from them, learned to respect others, and earned the respect of others. No "poor me" in this book, just the facts. What an inspiration!! We can't always choose where we came from, but we can choose where we end up!
I personally know John Hanson and always found him a fascinating person, so to find he had written a book is awesome. Readers willl ove how he tells of his childhood in New Orleans all the way through his finding the love of a lifetime and their stroll through life. His darling Patty has many interesting and fascinating jobs with 'royalty" and John has his, too, as a an athlete,educator, coach, husband and father. Each phase of his and patty's life is a great story in itself and when all are in the same book it is a wonderful journey wonderfully told.The hilarities of teaching and coaching at my local community college while deciding to raise chickens is worth the price of the book. Patty deciding to bathe those chickens will put some tears in ones eyes. I highly recommend this, not just because he is a friend but you will enjoy a great book.
Although I didn't grow up in New Orleans, this book reminded me of my youth when life seemed simpler somehow. Then John takes us through his years as a Brother and teacher and as a lay teacher. He described what seemed like some common sense methods to get kids to take an interest in learning like replacing their weekend fun with tutoring sessions when they start failing his classes. An, of course, his life with the love of his life, his angel and his son. The book is well-written and feels like he's sitting there with me and telling me about his life.
John attends the same Catholic Church with my husband and I. Although I didn't know John very well before reading this book, I feel like I know him so much more now. Thanks for sharing your story with us John.

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